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1/100 : Sprint 01 - Day 1

Welcome back 👋.

This is the first day of the first sprint and we will be starting with the first step outlined in the Sprint 01 - Plan. As a quick reminder, the first step is to Discover. As promised, we will be using a real life example to walk through the steps.


  • Define the key problem you would like to sovle

    Do you know one Billion people (about 15% of the world population) live with some form of disability? Specifically in the US, 61 million adults (about 26%) live with some form of disability. And about 96% of top 1 million websites tested have accessibility issues? 😲 If the business is open to public, it is legally required to be accessible to people with disabilities.

  • Identify the primary user that will use the product

    Website owner.

    Anybody that owns and/or operates a website, whether they directly build and maintain themselves or use a 3rd party service to do so. Blogs, news sites, shops, e-commerce sites, social media sites, web applications, pretty much anything that is accessible on the web via a web browser.

    Secondary Users: Product Managers, Product Owners, Developers, QA, Accessibility Experts, etc.

  • Define the future state, once service/product is ready

    A website owner can easily check if their website is accessible to people with disabilities anytime they want and on a regular basis. Our solution will help to run variety of automation checks and provide a score card that is easy to understand and actionable.

    No technical knowledge is required to use our solution. Its the right thing to do. And more over, it will help to avoid enforcement actions and other legal issues of non-compliance.
