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2/100 : Sprint 01 - Day 2

Welcome back 👋.

Hope you were able to finish everything slated for the first day. If not, do not need to hurry. Take your time to finish first day activities and then come back.

We are unto day 2 of 100 days and will be working on exploring the web for any existing solutions in the problem space.


Few questions to ask yourself, as part of the market research.

  • What are the existing solutions in the market?
  • What are the pros and cons of each solution?
  • What are the gaps in the existing solutions?
  • What are the features that are missing in the existing solutions?
  • What are the opportunities to improve the existing solutions?

Similar Solutions​

Solutions that are in the same problem space.

Solutions for inspiration​

Solutions that are not exactly in the same problem space, but can be used for inspiration.

Do we have a differentiator 💡 ?​

After reviewing the existing solutions listed above, which are really solid solutions and have been around for a while, there are a couple of things that I think we can do differently.

  • Score card approach, instead of just reporting the issues
  • Address modern web applications like SPAs, just not websites with pages, to evalute accessibility at every interaction

Though there are a few solid options already available, I think there is room for innovation in the problem space.
Game on 🎮.