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Sprint 01 - Retrospection

Welcome back 👋

Congratulations on finishing the first sprint/week of the 100 days Full Stack App Challenge. We have covered a lot of ground in the last 5 days.

  • Identified a problem worth solving
  • Explored the problem space to see if there is a solution
  • Defined MVP
  • Defined a high level architecture
  • Built the initial infrastructure using AWS CDK
  • Deployed the place holder frontend application to S3 and CloudFront

How about you? What did you learn? What did you struggle with? What would you do differently next time? Its time to reflect on how you have done so far and what you can do better in the next sprint.

What went well?​

Identify at least 3 things that went well in the last sprint.

What didn't go well?​

Identify at least 3 things that didn't go well in the last sprint.

What can we do better?​

Identify at least 3 things that we can do better in the next sprint.

Video Walkthrough​